
Business modelling plays a vital role in conducting smart business decisions using a resilient framework that translates ideas and concepts into business-fundamental context, and then tests them. Business modelling provides a systematic procedure to define the means that generate profitability while creating value for the consumers. This is all while taking into consideration the value […]

Few risks carry greater damage than losing the talent leading a critical job within an organization. Therefore, succession management practices are critical as it diminishes the impact of disruption, ensures stability of service at the predefined levels, and contributes radically to business continuity.  Succession management creates plans for securing the right talent for the right […]

The power of data analysis is changing the way organisations conduct their people related decisions. Data-led insights is turning into a key element of people management and development, workforce planning and rightsizing, talent performance and rewards management, as well as talent acquisition and retention. Using people analytics, organisations can make enhanced decisions by deeply understanding […]

In a world of constant change and instability, people transformation equips organizations with the end-to-end services for every aspect of management of people and delivers future-ready implementation strategies. People transformation provides the required elaborative support and assistance from cross-functional teams, and the adequate tools and specialisations to achieve the desired results from the people management […]

Digitalisation around the globe is constantly adding pressure on organisations to transform and adapt to the new norms of doing business. People management is one field that has been adopting automated HR practices for a long time, but the new digital mandate is calling for more to be done. A new world of HR technology […]

Workforce rightsizing is not only used in times of crises. Arriving at the optimal utilisation of people in an organization is paramount to achieving corporate goals, no matter what they are. Intelligent techniques for workforce rightsizing increase the people efficiency while preserving the best value and contributing to the organisation’s triple bottom-line. It is no […]