
Destination development refers to the process of advancing defined areas that are underdeveloped to support the evolution of attractive destinations. Destination development is based on an analysis of the potential an area possesses and thereby facilitates the construction of a plan that provides guidance on long-term growth of areas that can enrich experiences and revenues. […]

Investment mapping converts aspirations into means. Or simply, it is the tool that helps attract the needed quality investments to the priority sectors to achieve national goals. Through identifying and promoting viable investment ideas, investment mapping aids in creating a pipeline of viable investments to create jobs, develop communities, catalyze the economy, or achieve any […]

Attracting foreign direct investment (FDI) is a key factor and a priority to governments in the region, with economies that have the potential to leverage their strategic location, market size, investment competitiveness and workforce. Investment promotion strategies identify important categories of key constituencies, sectors and resources. After thorough analysis, investment promotion strategies outline how much […]

Coherence across an organization’s culture, strategy and operating model can shift business towards sustained performance, enhanced working environment, and goal achievements. Deeply embedded cultural morals are crucial to attracting, retaining, motivating, and shaping a workforce that aids, rather than obstructs organizational progress. Designing an intentional culture that cannot be replicated provides organizations with enriched business […]

Corporate maturity assessment is a crucial step that helps organisations identify their baseline and outline the plan that can capture, maintain, use, and share data of corporate maturity. This process aims at benchmarking an organisation’s business processes to industry’s optimal practices which allows the design of the optimal plan needed to improve the corporate performance. […]

Organizational excellence is the desire of every organisation. It was never easy to achieve this state, and now it is becoming harder. Organizational excellence is dependent upon gaining sufficient commitment to embrace and apply positive change across the organization. It aims at systemically ensuring that all elements of the organisation work together to achieve the […]